Video is a branding necessity. Companies that don’t employ video in their marketing strategy are losing out on one of the most impactful tactics for attracting and retaining customers. Besides the immediate impact of video — and it’s potential as a word-of-mouth asset — it also assists in improving your website’s search engine optimization (SEO).

Here’s how you can leverage the SEO benefits of video:

  • Metadata – Google has heightened the value of video in its search algorithms. To ensure your video gets recognized, you need to verify the metadata is accurate. This includes the title of the video and file name, how long the video is, and a description of what viewers will see. The title of the video should be concise and the file name should describe it clearly. In your description, you can incorporate keywords to improve outcomes.
  • Keywords — Just like anything you post on your site, keywords will have an impact. Take a look at your analytics to see how you can align the terms users are typing to find your site or content. You can then experiment with ways to incorporate them in your video descriptions.
  • Share It — Video doesn’t work if it lives in a silo. You need to make it shareable outside your website ecosystem. Besides posting it on YouTube, offer visitors ways to share your video on Facebook, Twitter, and other social sites. The more eyes you get on your video, the greater your SEO outcomes.
  • Transcripts — You can boost your video’s SEO potential by including a transcript of the clip in the audio, or in the HTML. Most of your audience won’t be that interested in video transcripts, but the inclusion of it helps increase the content’s SEO.

Are you currently using video on your site? How has it affected your SEO? Contact us to find out more about how we can help improve your video’s SEO.